Thursday 18 July 2013

Mistakes Made in Ramadhan

It is clearly understandable to see Muslims living in the West making many mistakes in relation to their ritual acts, and even transactions, since they have grown up, studied and lived in a kufr (non-Islamic) environment. Most Muslims unfortunately no longer prioritise with seeking the pleasure of Allaah, often being too busy working, studying (dunyaa), watching TV and sleeping; leaving no time to carry da’wah (inviting non-Muslims to Islaam) or even study their great, divine and unique way of life. Therefore, it has come to our attention to address certain misconceptions, errors and mistakes that have occurred among the Muslim community living in the UK.

It is not necessary for every single person on Earth to sight the moon of Ramadaan, and neither is it allowed to follow the innovation (bid’ah) of the Saudi government who claim that every single country should follow their own sighting of the moon. According to the Sharee’ah, the month of Ramadaan enters when the moon has been sighted, and not according to what the majority of people or the Saudi government says.

From observation and studying the situation of Muslims living in Britain, the following mistakes and errors have been seen among the Imaams of Salaat and the Muslim community in general. All these errors and mistakes must be resolved and corrected in order to fulfil our duties properly and have complete obedience to Allaah (SWT). Verily, failing to make the utmost effort to please Allaah (SWT) may lead to our deeds to be nullified or not accepted.

Defections in the Imaams of Salaat

1. Fast recitation of the Qur’aan

Most Imaams have a great misunderstanding regarding the Ahkaam (rules) of Taraweeh and the etiquettes of Ramadaan. One of the first defections of these Imaams is that they recite the Qur’aan at a very fast pace, to the level where the Musalli (the one who is praying) will completely lose any opportunity to have any khushoo’ (ritual fear/focus) and tranquillity in their salaat, purely for the sake of finishing the salaat quickly in order to allow the people to go home early.

This totally destroys the concept of praying with concentration, tranquillity and khushoo’, which is what every person should seek in their prayers; moreover, it is completely against the teachings of the Messenger Muhammad (SAW) and his companions.

2. Transgression in Du’aa

Another defection of the Imaams is that they transgress and prolong the du’aa, beyond what the Messenger Muhammad (SAW) and his companions used to do. The Prophet (SAW) never used to prolong the du’aa or make du’aa ul-qunoot continuously.

3. The completion of the Qur’aan

There is no evidence whatsoever related to the saying of many Imaams who claim that the recitation of the Qur’aan must be completed during the month of Ramadaan in the Taraweeh prayers. This does not exist at all in the Sharee’ah and results in the Imaams hastening the salaat and distorting the recitation in order to complete the Qur’aan as fast as possible.

4. Disputing over Taraweeh… 8, 12, 20 or 36?

These are the views of the four Imams concerning the number of rak'ahs of Taraaweeh prayer. All of them said something more than eleven rak'ahs. Perhaps the reasons why they said something more than eleven rak'ahs include the following:

1. They thought that the hadeeth of 'Aa'ishah did not mean that this was the specific number.

2. A greater number was narrated from many of the Salaf.
(See al-Mughni, 2/604; al-Majmoo', 4/32)

3. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to pray eleven rak'ahs and make them very lengthy, so much so that it used to take him most of the night. Indeed, one night in which the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) led his companions in praying Taraaweeh, he did not end his prayer until just before dawn, and the Sahaabah feared that they would miss Suhoor. The Sahaabah (may Allaah be pleased with them) loved to pray behind the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and they did not feel that it was too long. The scholars thought that if the Imam made the prayer so long, this would be too difficult for the members of the congregation and that might put them off. So they thought that the Imam should make the recitation shorter and increase the number of rak'ahs.

The point is that the one who prays eleven rak'ahs in the manner narrated from the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) is doing well and is following the Sunnah. Whoever makes the recitation shorter and increases the number of rak'ahs is also doing well. A person who does either of these two things is not to be denounced.

Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah said: “If a person prays Taraaweeh according to the madhhabs of Abu Haneefah, al-Shaafa'i and Ahmad, with twenty rak'ahs, or according to the madhhab of Maalik, with thirty-six rak'ahs, or with thirteen or eleven rak'ahs, he has done well. As Imam Ahmad said, because there is nothing to specify the number. So the greater or lesser number of rak'ahs depends on how long or short the qiyaam (standing in the prayer) is.

5. They should remind and advise the people

Rather than pausing between every four rak’ah of salaat in order to collect money for their so-called ‘Masjid’, they should advise the people from time to time (before or after Taraweeh), as Ramadaan is an opportunity for da’wah and advice.

Defections among the people

1. Jumping from Masjid to Masjid

Some Muslims have a very bad habit of jumping from Masjid to Masjid and travelling from place to place in order to look for the best recitation of the Qur’aan and the best Qurraa’ (plural for Qaari’). The Muslims should avoid this bad habit as the Messenger Muhammad (SAW) said:

‘Pray in the Masjid which is closest to you and do not jump from Masjid to Masjid.’ (At-Tabaraani)

2. Shouting and crying loudly in the prayer

There are some people who raise their voices, shout and cry very loudly in their salaat. This type of exaggeration is not from the Sunnah and could even lead to ar-Riyaa’ (showing off) which is a form of shirk asghar (minor apostasy). It has been reported that the Messenger Muhammad (SAW) used to have 'azeez in his salaat, i.e. withhold his tears as much as possible and not to shout loudly. However, if a person is sincerely taken over by crying then it is a completely different situation.

3. Being affected by what people say but not by what Allaah (SWT) says

Many people are affected more by what other people may say or think, rather than what Allaah (SWT) says. They prefer to stand by the deviant majority in order to be praised and not to upset their community and are not even concerned at all about angering Allaah in the process. Allaah (SWT) informs us in the Qur’aan about how we should have ritual fear and focus in our salaat, and He orders us not to have a heart that is solid like a rock:

“Had we sent this Qur’aan upon a mountain, you would have seen it have khushoo’ (ritual focus / humility) and tremble out of fear from Allaah.” (Al-Hashr, 59:21)

4. Deliberately missing suhoor (sehri)

Many people deliberately miss suhoor for the sake of not waking up and disturbing their sleep. This is very common among those who are not ‘practicing’ as they are not concerned about praying Salaat ul-Fajr and benefiting from the blessings of eating at sehri. Hence, they eat as much as they can after ‘Ishaa and then go to sleep, waking up in time for work or school but not for Fajr. The Messenger Muhammad (SAW) encouraged the Muslims to wake up for suhoor in order to distinguish ourselves from the Kuffaar. He (SAW) said:

‘The difference between our fasting and the fasting of the People of the Book (non-Muslims) is suhoor (predawn meal).’ (Riyaad us-Saaliheen, Book of Virtues #1232)

5. Deliberately delaying the breaking of fast

Another defection amongst the people is pretending to have extra Taqwaa (fear from Allaah) and deliberately delay the breaking of their fast. The Messenger Muhammad (SAW) said:

‘Allaah the most high says: ‘from amongst my slaves, the quicker the one is in breaking the fast, the dearer he is to me.’’ (At-Tirmidhi, chapter 13, hadeeth #696)

6. Purposely joining the salaat late

There are some individuals who delay joining the salaat intentionally by gossiping and talking right until the Imaam makes rukoo’. This will make them miss the initial takbeer with the Imaam and hence they will lose most of the reward of salaat. It is also a sign of a person who does not worship Allaah out of love and fear, and prays just for the sake of it – in order for people to praise him, or think he is righteous.

7. Looking at the Qur’aan during the salaat

Looking to the Qur’aan in salaat whilst the Imaam is reciting is also a great defection among the Muslims and will also lead to other errors and bad habits, such as looking around at other people, playing with his watch or mobile and constantly fidgeting. Again this will destroy the idea of having khushoo’ in the salaat and again, could even lead to ar-Riyaa’ (showing off).

8. Leaving the salaat after praying only two, four or six rak’ah with the Imaam

This is another defection as the goodness and fruitfulness of prayer is to pray with the Imaam until he finishes. The Prophet (SAW) said:

‘Whoever stands with the Imaam let him pray with him until he finishes, (and if he does so) Qiyaam ul-Layl will be recorded for him.’

9. Eating too much during iftaar

Eating too much during iftaar until a point where one cannot stand up to pray or burps too much is also another defection among many Muslims. Rather than having a simple iftaar, people have resorted to having a three-course-meal in order to make up what they didn’t have all day. It is better to break your fast with a few dates and water, and then resume eating after praying Maghrib, as the Messenger of Allaah (SAW) said:

‘When one of you breaks his fast let him break it with dates, if he does not have any let him break his fast with water, for it is pure.’ (Sunan Ibn Maajah, Book of Fasting #1699)

Defections among sisters

1. Wearing perfume on the way to, and in the Masjid

Some women attend the Masjid by dazzling themselves (wearing bright colours and jewellery) and by wearing perfume. This is a great sin defection among the women as the Prophet (SAW) said:

‘Any woman who wears perfume and passes by people in order to let them smell her scent is as though she has fornicated.’ (Musnad al-Imaam Ahmad)

The Muslim woman is obliged to cover herself completely (except her hands and face) and must avoid dazzling herself by decorating her khimaar and jilbaab (e.g. with patterns, gold-trims, see-through material, bright colours, CK, YSL and other fake designer khimaars).

2. Coming by minicab or taxi alone

For sisters it is prohibited to go alone to the Masjid, or any other place in fact, with a foreign man in a taxi or a minicab and this sin must be stopped immediately.

3. Leaving her children at home while they are doing something that will affect their Deen

Do not leave your children at home while they watch TV, listen to music, or accompany bad friends for the sake of attending Salaat ut-Taraweeh at the Masjid. This is something that many Muslim women do, and in order to do something recommended, they end up leaving their obligation. Allaah (SWT) says:

“Oh you who believe! Save yourselves and your families from a fire whose fuel is of men and stones.” (At-Tahreem, 66:6)

Save your children by not sending them to the schools and institutions of the Kuffaar, by preventing them from watching munkar (evil) on TV, listening to music, obeying the laws of the Kuffaar and having sympathy for the Kuffaar etc.

4. Not controlling their children

Those sisters who take their children to the Masjid should control their children as much as possible and must prevent them from disturbing other Musalleen (people in prayer). Many people believe that they can just let the children run wild, without to remember that they (the parents) are accountable for what their children do.

5. Busy gossiping and chit-chatting during the time of salaat

During the time of salaat, sisters should avoid gossiping, backbiting and chitchatting as they are all disliked acts and will disturb the salaat of others.

6. Delaying leaving the Masjid

Sisters should stop leaving huge spaces between each other and leave the Masjid as quickly as possible before the men finish their salaat, rather than strolling out late, wandering around and gossiping amongst each other. They should also avoid going to the market places unnecessary as it is the most hated place in the sight of Allaah (SWT).

7. Leaving all their duties while on their menses

The Muslim woman has a permit not to pray and fast whilst on her menses, but not to leave all her other duties and good deeds such as da’wah, making du’aa and studying the Deen.

Some Naseehah (advice)

We call upon all Muslims to fear Allaah (SWT), stop all this misbehaving and do not lose all your rewards by engaging in what has been mentioned above. Remember the hadeeth of the Messenger Muhammad (SAW) who said:

‘There will be some of my Ummah who will bring good deeds equivalent to the mountain of Yemen and Allaah will destroy it all. They are your brothers (Muslims) and are from your skin. They stay up all night the way you stay awake, but when they are alone they do all what Allaah forbids.’

And he (SAW) also said:

‘There could be someone who fasts all day but gains nothing but hunger, and there could be a person who stands (in prayer all night) but gains nothing but sleepiness.’  (Sunan Ibn Maajah, Book of Fasting #1690)

Therefore, dear brothers and sisters fulfil your duties and responsibilities collectively with Ahl us-Sunnah wal-Jamaa’ah, in order to prevent yourself from dying in a state of jaahiliyyah (kufr and ignorance). Study what is shirk and what is kufr in order to keep far away from the anger of Allaah, not to lose all of your good deeds and for your fasting to be accepted.

And Allah knows best.